more Lawyers waste more taxpay...

Feb 23, 2009 by

Fannie Mae will hire the law firm of Covington and Burlington to investigate its own lobbying. Putting aside the absurdity of...

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Steroids vs Head Injuries .. Q...

Feb 19, 2009 by

Why are NFL players allowed to play a violent game which is know to cause permanant damage to themselves over the long term.  But,...

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Madoff Stock offering

Jan 5, 2009 by

If Madoff had invested all his 50 billion into a asset management company micro stock  at 1 penny (lets call it Madoff Capital Inc...

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2008 The year of the Ponzi Sch...

Jan 5, 2009 by

Many of the major financial meltdowns are no differnet then the 50 billion scheme towards the end of the year. – Early investors...

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Fed squeeze

Oct 2, 2008 by

The Fed would have been far better off taking a smaller stake in AIG ( 20-30 percent) . It would have given the remaining shareholders...

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Politicans Fiddle While Wall S...

Sep 26, 2008 by

In a classic example of the inherent conflict of interest within the government between politicans seeking additional power and doing...

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